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Tribal Assembly - Resolutions

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2020 Tribal Assembly Resolutions

Res #
Resolution Title


20-01 Establishment of a Tlingit & Haida Enrollment Team

Deferred to EC

(Ruled Out of Order)

20-02 Directive to Update All Tlingit & Haida Forms Related to the Selection of a
Voting Community
20-03 Support for Inclusion of Tlingit & Haida Court on State of Alaska Tribal
Court Directory
20-04 State of Alaska Must Create a Data Collection System on Murdered and
Missing Indigenous Women and Persons and Violence Against Women
Deferred to EC (Tabled)
20-05 Acceptance of the Invitation to Host the Eighty-Sixth Annual Tribal Assembly in Anchorage
Deferred to EC
20-06 Establishment of a Tlingit & Haida Truth and Reconciliation Commission
Deferred to EC
(Ruled Out of Order)
20-07 Invitation to Host a Special Tribal Assembly in Sitka via Zoom
Deferred to EC
20-08 Ban on Tribal Citizens Convicted of Crimes Against Children Holding
Leadership Roles in Tlingit & Haida

Deferred to EC

(Ruled Out of Order)

20-09 Support for the Establishment of a Tlingit & Haida Advocate Located in
Anchorage, San Francisco, and Seattle
Deferred to EC
(Ruled Out of Order)
20-10 Support Tribal Colleges
Deferred to EC
20-11 Support for the Creation of an Alaska History Textbook Co-Authored by
Indigenous Scholars
20-12 Support for the Establishment of a SEARHC Patient Advocate at Alaska
Native Medical Center
20-13 Support for Congressional Legislation to Extend the Federal Match to
Urban Indian Health Programs
20-14 Support for Congressional Legislation to Improve Public Health Data
Access for Tribal Epidemiology Centers
20-15 Addition of Elizabeth Wanamaker Peratrovich to the International Civil
Rights: Walk of Fame
20-16 Request for Increased Funding for the Alaska Marine Highway System
20-17 Opposition to the Closure of Seattle National Archives and Records
Administration Facility
20-18 Support for the Landless Communities
20-19 Support for the Protection of Vital International Rivers from
Transboundary Mining
20-20 Support For the Removal of the Blood Quantum Requirement in the
Marine Mammal Protection Act Regulations
Deferred to EC
20-21 Support for the Energy Innovation & Carbon Dividend Act
Deferred to EC
20-22 Establishment of the Southeast Native Hunting and Fishing Commission
Deferred to EC
(Ruled Out of Order)
20-23 Unavailable Resolution Withdrawn
20-24 Support for the Sitka Kiks.ádi and Kaagwaantaan Clans to Exert
Management Authority Over the Sitka Sound Herring
Deferred to EC
20-25 Declaration of a Climate Emergency and Commitment to Climate
20-26 Establishment of Veteran Staff Support and Support for Amendment of the
Alaska Native Vietnam Era Veterans Land Allotment Act



For more information on Tribal Assembly resolutions, please contact the Office of the President:

Toll Free: 800.344.1432 ext. 7142 | Local: 907.463.7142

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