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Election Updates

Emerging Leader Application Period

Application Deadline: March 29, 2024 | Application: Click Here | Notice: Click Here

Tlingit & Haida is now accepting applications for the 2024-2025 Emerging Leader position. This position serves on the Executive Council for a one-year term and provides tribal citizen youth with opportunities to acquire important knowledge about Tlingit & Haida’s governing and organizational structure, and valuable hands-on leadership experience. The election of Tlingit & Haida’s Emerging Leader will take place at the 89th Annual Tribal Assembly. Submit a complete application by the deadline to the Tribal Assembly Coordinator at tribalassembly@tlingitandhaida.gov.


Application Requirements:

  • Must be enrolled with Tlingit & Haida

  • Must be 18 to 26 years of age

  • Must submit an application


2024 Elections

Election Official

Election Information


Election Official:

Brenda Jack | 907.463.7768

800.344.1432 ext. 7768


- Official Voting List (Note: This information is not authorized to be used for any other purpose than for tribal citizens to verify their community registration.)
- Candidate List
- Official Election Results

- Executive Officer Election Results


Election Official:

Elaine Jack | 907.463.7911

800.344.1432 ext. 7911


- Official Voting List (Note: This information is not authorized to be used for any other purpose than for tribal citizens to verify their community registration.)
- Candidate List
- Official Election Results


Election Official:

Kari Mackie | 907.463.7150

800.344.1432 ext. 7150


- Official Voting List (Note: This information is not authorized to be used for any other purpose than for tribal citizens to verify their community registration.)
- Candidate List
- Official Election Results


Election Official:

Evangeline Willard | 907.463.7758

800.344.1432 ext. 7758


- Official Voting List (Note: This information is not authorized to be used for any other purpose than for tribal citizens to verify their community registration.)
- Candidate List
- Official Election Results

- Nomination Meeting Notice


Election Official:

Jessie Dybdahl | 907.463.7917

800.344.1432 ext. 7917


- Official Voting List (Note: This information is not authorized to be used for any other purpose than for tribal citizens to verify their community registration.)
- Candidate List
- Official Election Results


Election Official:

Stasha Sanderson | 907.463.7923

800.344.1432 ext. 7923


- Official Voting List (Note: This information is not authorized to be used for any other purpose than for tribal citizens to verify their community registration.)
- Candidate List
- Official Election Results


Election Officials:

Jeni Brown | 907.463.7396

jgbrown@tlingitandhaida.gov and

Stephanie Knudson | 907.463.7941


800.344.1432 ext. 7396 or 7941

- Official Voting List (Note: This information is not authorized to be used for any other purpose than for tribal citizens to verify their community registration.)
- Candidate List
- Official Election Result (Amendment 1)

- First Amended Results

- Nomination Meeting Notice


Election Official:

Paulette Jackson | 907.463.7915

800.344.1432 ext. 7915


- Official Voting List (Note: This information is not authorized to be used for any other purpose than for tribal citizens to verify their community registration.)
- Candidate List
- Official Election Results


Election Official:

Randi Braz | 907.463.7784

800.344.1432 ext. 7784


- Official Voting List (Note: This information is not authorized to be used for any other purpose than for tribal citizens to verify their community registration.)
- Candidate List
- Official Election Results


Election Official:

Darryl Simons | 907.463.7759

800.344.1432 ext. 7759


- Official Voting List (Note: This information is not authorized to be used for any other purpose than for tribal citizens to verify their community registration.)
- Candidate List
- Official Election Results

- Nomination Meeting Notice


Election Official:

Kristina Safford | 907.463.7918

800.344.1432 ext. 7918


- Official Voting List (Note: This information is not authorized to be used for any other purpose than for tribal citizens to verify their community registration.)
- Candidate List
- Official Election Results


Election Official:

Marena Willard | 907.463.7926

800.344.1432 ext. 7926


- Official Voting List (Note: This information is not authorized to be used for any other purpose than for tribal citizens to verify their community registration.)
- Candidate List
- Official Election Results


Election Official: TBA

- Official Voting List (Note: This information is not authorized to be used for any other purpose than for tribal citizens to verify their community registration.)
- Candidate List
- Official Election Results


Election Official:

Jeni Brown | 907.463.7396

jgbrown@tlingitandhaida.gov and

Stephanie Knudson | 907.463.7941


800.344.1432 ext. 7396 or 7941

- Official Voting List (Note: This information is not authorized to be used for any other purpose than for tribal citizens to verify their community registration.)
- Candidate List
- Official Election Results


Election Official:

Carol Martinez | 907.463.7336

800.344.1432 ext. 7336


- Official Voting List (Note: This information is not authorized to be used for any other purpose than for tribal citizens to verify their community registration.)
- Candidate List
- Official Election Results

San Francisco

Election Official:

Stephanie Nylen | 907.463.7144

800.344.1432 ext. 7144



- Official Voting List (Note: This information is not authorized to be used for any other purpose than for tribal citizens to verify their community registration.)
- Candidate List
- Official Election Results


Election Official:

Darryl Simons | 907.463.7759

800.344.1432 ext. 7759


- Official Voting List (Note: This information is not authorized to be used for any other purpose than for tribal citizens to verify their community registration.)
- Candidate List
- Official Election Results


Election Official:

Jennifer Cordova-James


800.344.1432 ext. 7376


- Official Voting List (Note: This information is not authorized to be used for any other purpose than for tribal citizens to verify their community registration.)
- Candidate List
- Official Election Results


Election Official:

Stephanie Nylen | 907.463.7144

800.344.1432 ext. 7144


- Official Voting List (Note: This information is not authorized to be used for any other purpose than for tribal citizens to verify their community registration.)
- Candidate List
- Official Election Results


Election Official:

Tammi Meissner | 907.463.7924

800.344.1432 ext. 7924


- Official Voting List (Note: This information is not authorized to be used for any other purpose than for tribal citizens to verify their community registration.)
- Candidate List
- Official Election Results


Election Official:

Cynthia Petersen | 907.463.7751

800.344.1432 ext. 7751


- Official Voting List (Note: This information is not authorized to be used for any other purpose than for tribal citizens to verify their community registration.)
- Candidate List
- Official Election Results

For those that have questions or are interested in learning more about Delegate elections, please contact Program Compliance at 1.800.344.1432 ext. 7146, 907.463.7146, or elections@tlingitandhaida.gov.

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