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Elderly Services

Elderly Services promotes health and well-being for tribal Elders through health and

social services. The program assists tribal Elders and family caregivers in accessing

community services and resources. Program staff may also provide home visits to ensure an Elder is safe in their home, and make appropriate referrals to help an Elder maintain an independent lifestyle. The program serves Elders residing in Douglas and Juneau, Alaska.

Elderly Services provides:

  • A monthly Elders Council meeting (in Juneau the second Tuesday of each month)
    which serves as a forum for elders to provide feedback on TFYS programming, identify issues of concern, and participate in program planning;
  • Reports of harm to Adult Protective Services when there is an incident of elder abuse, neglect or financial exploitation;
  • Advocacy by making referrals to service providers, assisting in the completion of
    applications and forms for such things as heating assistance, public assistance,
    Medicaid, Medicare and Social Security;
  • Coordination of health education events, cultural and fun group activities, Elder& Youth engagement, and promotion of activities that address issues and concerns such as fall prevention, nutrition, and health related topics and issues.

For eligibility requirements, please review the Elderly Services section in Tlingit & Haida's Program Profiles booklet. The booklet may be accessed by clicking here.

For more information please contact Tribal Family & Youth Services | Elderly Services:  Toll Free: 1.800.344.1432 ext. 7131 | Local: 907.463.7131 | Fax: 907.885.0032